A. No. All accreditation's are not the same. Accreditation has many purposes. There are several groups who accredit for different reasons. Accrediting exists to help the Religious World to obtain accreditation that is not government affiliated.
Q. Is the size of the school a requirement before a school can be a member of GEAC?
A. No. GEAC realizes that some of the most reputable colleges and universities in the world started with only a few students (Princeton, Harvard, and the College of William and Mary to name a few) GEAC sees that quality cannot be finally judged by the size of the student body, the size of the building, and rich financial endowments. Students must receive a quality education in a proper climate to receive the education they need. We have schools with enrollments in the teens and schools with enrollments in excess of 2,000. Size is not the final word in accreditation.
Q. How important is a library and its holdings before we can become accredited?
A. While GEAC encourages the college or small school to have a vision for a library we do not reject a school on the basis of a faulty library alone. Sometimes schools have access to large public libraries or university libraries only a few blocks from the school. These can be utilized while the school is striving to obtain it's own library holding. we encourage All distance learning programs to provide an on line library page on the web site and or the site address for reference.
Q. What is the average costs for gaining membership in Global Evangelical Accrediting Commission?
A. Cost varies due to the travel and lodging expenses involved. The new school must pay a application fee when they apply. ALL FEES ARE CONSIDERED AS A SEED SOWED TO PROMOTE NON GOVERNMENTAL AND NON TRADITIONAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BIBLICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE. The on-site fee is an additional fee. The school pays one round-trip airfare from Montgomery, AL: two nights lodging. We use super-saving rates at all places. We arrange our own accommodations with great savings. We pass all savings along to the institution.
Q. Do the Benefits of membership justify the cost?
A. Yes. Absolutely! One of the first questions a prospective student asks a college or school is, "Are you Accredited?" Students are looking for quality. Quality Accreditation helps point them in the right direction. Schools use our name as a referral and the testimonies of the schools that use our service are many. Hundreds of students are gained by our membership each year based on the fact that the school is accredited. The cost can easily be covered in added programs and qualities pointed to by our visitors(s).
Q. Is an on-site visit essential for every school, even if they have been accredited in the past?
A. Yes. There are several reasons for this. We realized that education today is a big business. Since there is financial involvement in this business of education, there are undesirable institutions. We cannot fully know what a school is doing if we do not actually "see" first hand what they are doing. Accreditation without a personal visit is all but worthless. We believe in Bible College and Seminary quality assurance.
Q. Does Accreditation make a school "above the law of the land?"
A. No. GEAC members are encouraged to work in the bounds of the laws of the country or state where they live. Schools, colleges, and seminaries must have their legal Documentation of existence.
Q. Do all schools who are members of GEAC accept credits from other members?
A. Yes. One of the requirements is that member schools accept credits from other members if they apply to their program.
Q. Do other schools outside GEAC membership receive our credits?
A. This is based upon the discretion of the institute. Some schools, state, government and industries have accepted credits etc., because of our membership GEAC makes no guarantee outside our own membership.
Q. Will GEAC recomment our college to potential students?
A. Yes. We receive calls daily. We try to recommend schools which have the nearest to detail of program the student is looking for. In some cases we do take into consideration geographic location of the school, but sometimes this is not necessary.
Q. Can a school be accredited wo offers only distant learning?
A. Yes.
Q. Are GEAC Schools required to observe civil rights laws where they exist?
A. Yes. GEAC insists that our membership does not discriminate because of race.
Q. Is GECCS able to recieve VA benefits? Yes, GECCS has one of it's affiliate institutions VA qualified and through a joint dual degree process student/learner's are able to apply for VA benefits if they meet qualifications.