GECCS purpose and objectives

The purpose and objectives of the GECCS are as follows:

  • To provide quality non-traditional education at an affordable price.
  • To serve as a liaison ministry.
  • To prepare students to receive Bible based college level non-traditional credits and college level non-governmental degrees, (Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates and Honorary Doctorates).
  • To educate, train and instruct persons in the Ministry and those interested in furthering Christian education.
  • To provide an intensive, informative and spirit-led curriculum.
  • To provide a non-governmental international Bible based accredited Distance Learning Degree Program.
  • To provide seminar track non- traditional studies.
  • To provide a Bible Based fully accredited (not affiliated with U.S. department of education) non-traditional and seminar track & distance learning degree curriculum programs.